Sunday, September 27, 2009

Oh, what did I ever do without you?

Can someone please tell me what we ever did without the Crackberry Blackberry?

I've had mine for over a year and I'm completely, totally, 100% addicted to it! When I go into another room, it goes. If I have to get something out of the car, its in my pocket. If I'm driving, its between my legs - on vibrate, of course! :) If I'm sitting on the sofa watching Baby DJ play, the damn thing is right beside me.

I can remember when I had to always have a quarter or two in my pocket in case I needed to call my mom at home or at work. When I turned 16 and got my first job, she bought me a pager because I took to the bus to work (as a grocery store cashier) after school. Still had to have change to call her back on the pay phone, though. I was 18 years old and out on my own before I actually got get a cell phone because my mom simply refused to buy me one. At first I was mad, but got over it because I didn't have anyone to call except her; but once I did get a cell phone, it was all over. I was the only one of my friends to have a job, cell phone, AND my own apartment. I was cool stuff.

These days I'm addicted to my Blackberry, as is everyone else I know, and THAT'S why it's so affectionately known as the Crackberry. Seriously, its as addicting as that nasty, crippling white stuff! Or so I've In the words of the ever-so-fabulous Whitney Houston, "Crack is wack." and I agree. I sit here typing this, my phone is to the right of my keyboard and I pick it up every single time the red light blinks because that means I have a new email or text message. Pathetic? Yeah, it really is. If I'm at the computer, why won't I just my check email from it? I have no idea. Why can't I go one doggone day without my Blackberry? Why do I use it's GPS navigation when I know exactly where I'm going? Why do I pick it up every 90 seconds or so just to see if anything is new? Why do I check my friends' Facebook stats and update my own from it if I'm at home? Why? Why? Why? I don't know. Its sad and everyone with a Blackberry knows it is. They're just like me, ya know. Addicted.

What the heck did we do before cell phones? Hmmm....we visited family and friends, talked to them in person. We wrote letters to keep in touch. We focused on actually working at the office or on the sales floor. We gave a damn about our lives and those of others on the road (Texting-while-driving is a serious problem, and is an act I DO NOT condone!). We simply had more important things to do and valued the people around us.



Casse AKA Catholic Kittie said...

I think maybe I should have gotten a blackberry. :(

GuideToPassion said...

haha I'm wanting to get the Palm Pre now!

prerna said...

Oooh.. Now I know what I want for x'mas!!

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