I'm guilty of letting Baby DJ (9 months old) cry when I know nothing is wrong, BUT this happens only AFTER I've tried feeding, soothing and giving him "lots of lovin." So I let him cry a time or two...is that so bad? Heck no! Here's why it can be good: this afternoon we were hanging out in the living room after he had carrots and Welch's White Grape Juice (his favorite!) when he threw a temper tantrum. I mean arms flailing, couldn't stand up, tears out the wazoo...just plain unhappy! Being supermom, I pick him up, offer him juice, apply some Orajel to his gums (damn those cutting teeth!), sing to him, and sit on the floor to play with toys with

When I'm having an "ugly day" I let Moose A. Moose (y'all know Moose...aka the face of Noggin) entertain him. Its happened to many of you, I'm sure: no matter what you do, the day just isn't going to go right. We live in Texas so its HOTTER THAN HOT most days, which means a long walk around White Rock Lake or hitting Katy Trail (check them out, by the way http://katytraildallas.blogspot.com/) is simply out of the question, though there are some exceptions. Don't get me wrong, I love getting out with Baby DJ, but its just impossible some days...especially when its blazing hot and he's fussy!
Then there are the times that I put him in the car and just drive. Nothing to do, nowhere to be, just driving so that I don't have to talk to him all day for yet another day. Seriously, there's only so much a momma can take.
Lastly...sometimes I blame Baby DJ for the 20-lb weight gain. I know, I know...how dare I do such a thing?! Yeah, well, I know that the rest of you just KNOW that if you didn't have kids then those size 8 jeans would still fit! Yeah I said it.
At first I felt guilty for these things (and TONS more), but a quick phone call to my mom and she assured me that most mothers feel and do exactly what I do, they just don't admit it. Hell, she's the one who suggested it in the first place. So there.
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